Assembling a Homeopathic First Aid Kit

Posted by Shahla Ahsan Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Many homeopathic pharmacies sell basic homeopathic first-aid kits containing between 12 and 18 remedies. These represent a good start, but check the contents before buying one to ensure that it includes the remedies that you need (see below). You may be able to exchange some remedies for others. For acute first-aid complaints, you will need remedies with a 30c potency; for less acute ailments, 6c potency. (Pregnant women should not take Apis of lower potency than 30c.)

All first-aid items should be kept together, preferably in a sturdy box, and stored in a cool, dry place. Kept like this, homeopathic remedies will retain their strength for years. Every adult member of a household should know where the first-aid kit is kept, and have easy access to it, and it should always be placed well beyond the reach of young children.

Homeopathic remedies can be given in the same way to babies, children, and adults. Placed under the tongue, tablets or pilules dissolve quickly. For babies and small children, however, remedies made up on granules or powder may be preferable. They dissolve almost instantly and cannot be spat out. Alternatively, pilules can be crushed between two spoons.
The basic homeopathic remedies are easy and safe to take if a person is incapacitated by anxiety, fear, or restlessness, and creams, ointments, and solutions are both soothing and non-abrasive when applied to open wounds.
Homeopathic products can be used in conjunction with those of other medicinal therapies, such as herbal tinctures and creams. Aloe vera, for example, is very good for sunburn, while Bach Flower Remedies can be used to treat anxiety, fear, or restlessness.

These remedies for common minor injuries and illnesses make a good start-up selection, which can be added to gradually. Dosages are suitable for adults, children, and babies.
• Aconite 30c • Rhus tox. 6c
• Apis 30c • Ruta 6c
• Arnica 6c, 30c • Silica 6c
• Bryonia 30c • Symphytum 6c
• Cantharis 6c, 30c • Urtica urens 6c
• Carbo veg. 30c
• Euphrasia 6c
• Hypericum 30c
• Ledum 6c
• Nux vomica 6c
• Phosphorus 6c

Tinctures are used in solution for cleaning around wounds—usually 10 drops of tincture to 1¼ quarts (liters) cooled, boiled water. Euphrasia in a saline solution—1 tsp salt to ¾ cup cooled, boiled water—is used for bathing eyes.
• Arnica
• Calendula
• Euphrasia
• Hypericum

Homeopathic creams and ointments
protect against infection, soothe pain,
and promote healing. Creams are
absorbed more quickly and are less
greasy than ointments. Arnica should
not be applied to broken skin; only sterile creams and ointments should be applied
to skin that is broken.
• Arnica cream
• Calendula cream
• Calendula ointment
• Hypericum ointment
• Urtica ointment

A first-aid kit should include a variety
of sizes and shapes of bandages
and adhesive dressings, dressings
such as sterile pads and gauze,
sterile eye pads, scissors, tweezers,
and safety pins.
• Sterile gauze and pads
• Crepe roller bandage
• Butterfly strips
• Triangular bandage
• Adhesive dressings
• Scissors and tweezers
• Safety pins


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