Posted by Shahla Ahsan Monday, September 14, 2009 0 comments

People who respond best to Pulsatilla are sweet-natured, gentle, and compliant. They will avoid confrontation, but their moods change frequently and rapidly, and they can be stubborn in their demands for attention and sympathy. Their physical symptoms can be equally changeable. Easily moved to laughter or tears, they are highly prone to weepiness when ill, but are soon consoled by hugs. Other common traits are a dislike of stuffy rooms or fatty foods, a lack of thirst, and a preference for fresh air.
Pulsatilla is given for labor, menstruation, menopause, and pregnancy problems. It is used for respiratory illness marked by yellowy-green catarrh, eye complaints, and indigestion with variable symptoms.

weepiness • conditions that improve for sympathy • desire
for open air • thick, yellowy-green catarrh • changeable mood

Colds & Coughs
SYMPTOMS An alternately runny or blocked nose, with smelly, thick, yellowy-green catarrh, and a reduced sense of taste and smell. There may be wet, spasmodic coughing, with yellowy-green mucus and shortness of breath, which is worse for lying on the left side. Violent coughing fits tend to occur in the evening and at night; they may be triggered by lying down, and frequently cause sleep to be disturbed. Pulsatilla may be prescribed for influenza when there is fever with alternate hot and cold flashes, a lack of thirst, and possibly an earache.
Symptoms better For: fresh air; for gentle exercise; for crying; for sympathy.
Symptoms worse For: stuffy environments;
for lying down.

SYMPTOMS Yellowy catarrh, weepiness, and headaches. The sinuses are tender to the touch. Sharp pains may begin on the right side of the face, but tend to move around.
Symptoms better For: fresh air; for gentle exercise.
Symptoms worse For: stuffy environments;
for cold; in the evening.

Eye infections
SYMPTOMS: Profuse, yellowy-green, foul-smelling discharge from the eye, with sensitivity to light and possible indigestion (see below). Pulsatilla may help conjunctivitis and itchy styes.
Symptoms better For: fresh air; for bathing
the eyes in cold water.
Symptoms worse For: warm rooms; in
the evening.

Women’s health
SYMPTOMS: Short, variable, late, or absent menstrual flow with severe pain. There may be delayed onset of menstruation in puberty. Severe premenstrual syndrome may respond to the remedy, particularly if it is accompanied by indigestion, weepiness, and mood swings. In pregnancy, if the general symptom picture fits, Pulsatilla is given for stress incontinence, fatigue, indigestion, and morning sickness (especially if this is brought on by fatty foods). It may also act on the uterine muscles to help turn a malpresented or breech baby in the uterus during labor.
Symptoms better For: fresh air; for gentle exercise; for crying; for sympathy.
Symptoms worse For: heat; for lying on the left side; in the evening; for rich, fatty foods.

Digestive disorders
SYMPTOMS: Variable, including indigestion, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and painful, itchy hemorrhoids. No two stools are alike. The mouth is dry but there is no thirst and a craving for, or aversion to, rich foods that exacerbate the symptoms.
Symptoms better For: fresh air; for
gentle exercise.
Symptoms worse: For heat; for lying on the left side; in the evening; for rich, fatty foods.

Assembling a Homeopathic First Aid Kit

Posted by Shahla Ahsan Wednesday, March 25, 2009 0 comments

Many homeopathic pharmacies sell basic homeopathic first-aid kits containing between 12 and 18 remedies. These represent a good start, but check the contents before buying one to ensure that it includes the remedies that you need (see below). You may be able to exchange some remedies for others. For acute first-aid complaints, you will need remedies with a 30c potency; for less acute ailments, 6c potency. (Pregnant women should not take Apis of lower potency than 30c.)

All first-aid items should be kept together, preferably in a sturdy box, and stored in a cool, dry place. Kept like this, homeopathic remedies will retain their strength for years. Every adult member of a household should know where the first-aid kit is kept, and have easy access to it, and it should always be placed well beyond the reach of young children.

Homeopathic remedies can be given in the same way to babies, children, and adults. Placed under the tongue, tablets or pilules dissolve quickly. For babies and small children, however, remedies made up on granules or powder may be preferable. They dissolve almost instantly and cannot be spat out. Alternatively, pilules can be crushed between two spoons.
The basic homeopathic remedies are easy and safe to take if a person is incapacitated by anxiety, fear, or restlessness, and creams, ointments, and solutions are both soothing and non-abrasive when applied to open wounds.
Homeopathic products can be used in conjunction with those of other medicinal therapies, such as herbal tinctures and creams. Aloe vera, for example, is very good for sunburn, while Bach Flower Remedies can be used to treat anxiety, fear, or restlessness.

These remedies for common minor injuries and illnesses make a good start-up selection, which can be added to gradually. Dosages are suitable for adults, children, and babies.
• Aconite 30c • Rhus tox. 6c
• Apis 30c • Ruta 6c
• Arnica 6c, 30c • Silica 6c
• Bryonia 30c • Symphytum 6c
• Cantharis 6c, 30c • Urtica urens 6c
• Carbo veg. 30c
• Euphrasia 6c
• Hypericum 30c
• Ledum 6c
• Nux vomica 6c
• Phosphorus 6c

Tinctures are used in solution for cleaning around wounds—usually 10 drops of tincture to 1¼ quarts (liters) cooled, boiled water. Euphrasia in a saline solution—1 tsp salt to ¾ cup cooled, boiled water—is used for bathing eyes.
• Arnica
• Calendula
• Euphrasia
• Hypericum

Homeopathic creams and ointments
protect against infection, soothe pain,
and promote healing. Creams are
absorbed more quickly and are less
greasy than ointments. Arnica should
not be applied to broken skin; only sterile creams and ointments should be applied
to skin that is broken.
• Arnica cream
• Calendula cream
• Calendula ointment
• Hypericum ointment
• Urtica ointment

A first-aid kit should include a variety
of sizes and shapes of bandages
and adhesive dressings, dressings
such as sterile pads and gauze,
sterile eye pads, scissors, tweezers,
and safety pins.
• Sterile gauze and pads
• Crepe roller bandage
• Butterfly strips
• Triangular bandage
• Adhesive dressings
• Scissors and tweezers
• Safety pins

Aconitum napellus - major plant remedies

Posted by Shahla Ahsan Monday, March 23, 2009 0 comments

KEY SYMPTOMS complaints triggered by shock or exposure to cold winds
• panic attacks and fear of death • acute infections of sudden onset

Historically, the deadly juices derived from this plant were used as an arrow poison, hence the name aconite, from the Greek acon, or “dart.” Until the homeopathic remedy was proved by Hahnemann in 1805, aconite was used only externally in medicine. Aconite became a popular alternative to the contemporary practice of blood-letting for the treatment of acute fevers and inflammations.

Acute respiratory infections
SYMPTOMS Cold or influenza symptoms that set in fiercely and rapidly, especially after exposure to cold, dry winds. There may be catarrh or phlegm and a sore throat, possibly a fever that makes the skin hot and dry. Croup and other acute chest infections may give rise to breathlessness, burning heat in the chest, and a hoarse, dry, barking cough. Sleep is frequently restless and agitated; at such times, the face may be hot, flushed, and swollen, although upon rising it may become very pale. Severe headaches may develop, accompanied by raging thirst, often for cold drinks. The mouth may taste bitter, so that everything except water tastes bad. The skin is hypersensitive, causing a marked aversion to being touched.
Symptoms better For warmth; for lying down; for fresh air.
Symptoms worse For heat; for stuffy rooms;for lying on the affected area;
for walking; at night; for music.

Eye & ear infections
SYMPTOMS Inflamed eyes with aching, burning pain, typically due to injury or conjunctivitis. The eyes may be oversensitive to light. Ear infections develop rapidly, causing intense pain, bright red ears, and hypersensitivity to noise. Symptoms may be accompanied by
a high fever and restless, fearful agitation.
Symptoms better For quiet.
Symptoms worse For light; for noise.

Fear, shock & anxiety
SYMPTOMS Acute fear and anxiety accompanied by great restlessness and shocked, staring eyes with dilated pupils. Symptoms may be due to shock after witnessing a violent or frightening event, or may be triggered by phobias, such as
a fear of flying, of heights, or of enclosed spaces. The fear or anxiety may trigger recurrent panic attacks, with palpitations, numbness, and tingling in the body. They may accompanied by a fear of death and a fear of people, with a strong desire to avoid company.
Symptoms better For open air; for rest.
Symptoms worse For stuffy rooms; for crowds; at night.

Problems in labor
SYMPTOMS Strong fear of impending death experienced by a mother during labor. There may be urine retention in either the mother or baby, or in both the mother and baby, immediately after the birth of the child, 246especially if the mother experienced fear during labor.
Symptoms better For open air; for rest.
Symptoms worse For feeling overheated;
for feeling chilled; for violent emotions.

Top 30 Homeopathy Medicines

Posted by Shahla Ahsan Sunday, March 22, 2009 0 comments

The 36 Homeopathic Remedies featured here are widely used in homeopathy. 

01. Sulphur
02. Arsenicum Album
03. Phosphorus
04. Calcarea Carbonica
05. Lycopodium Clavatum
06. Pulsatilla Nigricans
07. Graphites
08. Sepia
09. Rhus Toxicodendron
10. Natrum Muriaticum
11. Mercurius Vivus
12. Belladonna
13. Causticum
14. Nux Vomica
15. Lachesis
16. Silicea
17. Nitricum Acidum
18. Apis Mellifica
19. Aconitum Napellus
20. Kreosotum
21. Carbo Vegetabilis
22. Bryonia Alba
23. Agaricus Muscarius
24. Argentum Nitricum
25. Baryta Carbonica
26. Alumina
27. Kali Carbonicum
28. Conium Maculatum
29. Hepar Sulphuris Calc
30. Aurum Metallicum

If you’ve always used allopathic doctors, you’re probably curious about the advantages and disadvantages to homeopathy. Just like you wouldn’t want to try to make your own herbal remedies from plants you dug up in your backyard without someone to guide you, you won’t want to stumble into the world of homeopathic medicine without knowing a little about it.

Homeopathy has a growing base of fans in the United States, but it has at least as many opponents as it does support.

Advantages of Homeopathy
Proponents of homeopathic remedies are quick to point out that homeopathic doctors take a holistic approach to medicine. You will be asked questions about your lifestyle, diet, sleeping habits, exercise habits, personality and medical history, all in an effort to help you get your body in the best health possible using natural stimulants and remedies.
Many people like the fact that homeopathic remedies are natural and made from diluted organic substances. The idea that the body can heal itself when properly stimulated to do so appeals to those who do not want to put unwanted drugs and chemicals into their bodies. Many homeopathy cures are even regulated by the FDA these days, so people feel much safer taking these remedies than in the past.

Disadvantages of Homeopathy
Probably the most significant disadvantage to homeopathic remedies is that there is little scientific research to back up the many assertions put forth by homeopaths. Many of the homeopathic cures sold today are made from an original formulation of a substance that causes a symptom, immersed in alcohol, then diluted with water. The original tincture (referred to as the mother tincture) is diluted over and over again. Sugar pills are then dipped in this solution, which scientifically does not contain even one molecule of the original tincture, and then is put into a bottle with other sugar pills, where the tincture is supposedly grafted to the other pills.

Even if each of the pills are dipped in the solution, the amount of substance being introduced to the body is very small. This causes many scientists to question if some homeopathic remedies aren’t just psychological remedies, causing a placebo effect instead of bringing a true cure.

In this remedy there is great strain upon the emotional centers. Recurrent shocks develop sensitivity, an aversion of personality, and confusion in the normal rhythm of the thought mechanism and indecision in action, which leads to various forms of irrational behavior. Ignatia basically typifies irresolution throughout the mental function; a heart breaking jumble of contradictory impulses, immature in formation and destructive in action. This characteristic symptom places the remedy in a position for easy selection.

I know no more distressing form of mental sickness than that in which one is torn between the impulse to do or not to do. Although these people appear in the attacks to be aggressive there is no depth of action, the balance between the emotions and the will is painfully disturbed and presents the picture of despair. The apparent exacerbations lack the proper foundation, are more or less spurious, and end in defeat of purpose. 

The physical erethism, which accompanies this mental state, produces a multitude of symptoms. Many of  these persons have a kind spirit, are misunderstood by their associates, and are raked by the shellfire of indecision, which exposes to view the vicious and caustic elements to the exclusion of the good. Our duty in homoeopathy is to face the realities of the complex mental entity, ferret out the discord in the ebb and flow of the thought unit, and from a logical conclusion of what we need in the search of the remedy. When this is done, and often we fail in the effort, the physical accessory symptoms naturally fall in line.

Ignatia is oversensitive, impulsive and ignites easily destructive tendencies, has alternate moods (Lyc.) with an undercurrent of jealousy. These people love much but not wisely, project their idealism more or less into strange concepts of life relationship. There may be psychic shock, although generally in fluxion, corresponding to its pathogenesis and clinical experience. Its sphere of influence covers many cases of misplaced affection, disappointment, grief and financial reverses. I have found in my practice among the Indians and other primitive peoples an uncanny ability to early sense the approach of death. In their simple relationship to the great forces of nature some unexplained adjustment exists within which has been lost to most of us. When death finally struck there was a simultaneous outcry, which shook the old timbers of the domicile. No words can describe the pandemonium of grief, which poured out of the hearts of the relatives gathered about the deathbed. Nature was exacting her toll and the subsequent reaction was beneficial. We are indeed fortunate to have Ignatia and similar remedies at our command, giving a clear-cut picture of tragedy in the pathogenesis.

There is fear and timidity, a shrinking from realities, a desire to be alone. A man in the late sixties who had a long history of convulsion attacks of a minor nature, with intense fear, especially at night when waking, always burning a light, suddenly through death lost the companionship of his wife. He had always depended upon her comfort during these attacks and now was in great emotional distress. Ignatia brought about a quick and favorable reaction. As an evidence of the depth of action in this person attacks of migraine, violent in nature many years, have disappeared. A favorable reaction from the remedy shows in a definite stiffening of the moral fiber, clearer understanding of the particular problem, and lifting of the defeatist attitude.

Transitory ill humour and anger; fixed ideas; broods over unpleasant occurrences, alternating with laughing and weeping. He is obstinate and nothing satisfies him.

Natrum mur has long been recognized as a natural complementary. Calcarea, Sepia, Silica and Sulphur may follow; Lycopodium when there is fear, desire for company and the 4-8 p.m. aggravation. Sighs and sobs; sensitive to noise; morbid and inconsolable grief; apprehensive feeling in chest, stomach and abdomen, which interferes with breathing; silent anguish; paroxysms of terror causing her to shriek. Desire for solitude, with fear of strangers, who may cause her to be very angry. This remedy has violent anger with irresolution. Fear something will happen, and weeping ameliorates (Lyc). Contradiction 
aggravates, becomes quarrelsome.

A woman having had a severe disappointment with marked despair, silent grief, inconsolable, feeling unable to continue her work, was given Ignatia, which took off the rough edge of the emotional shock, but did not bring the balance desired and which was necessary. The impatience she had was directed toward some minute finger warts appearing on the neck. Nitric acid was given with the most astounding results, clearing up the condition of shock, which again proves the remarkable difference in the similars we select.

There are spasmodic affections; in the throat with hysterical symptoms. The remedy covers a wide range of suppressed mental suffering. We have at our disposal truly curative remedies in all forms of emotional shock, the one under discussion ranking among the best. Homoeopathy brings a balance in a gentle way, eliminating the routine direct sedation. It is worth all the effort and study we put into the selection of the remedy to see these unfortunate people again regain the equilibrium which nature has intended for them to possess.